If you think that moving is easier than getting rid of bed bugs, think again. Unless you are leaving everything you own behind in your old residence, all you’re really accomplishing by moving is taking the bed bugs to a new location with you. It is always better to eliminate a bed bug infestation before you move. If you absolutely have to move, you need to take precautions as to not bring the bed bugs with you. If your infestation is mild and isolated to your bed, chances are you will be able to leave the bed bugs behind when you move.
Diligence in packing is the number one way to avoid bringing bed bugs with you when you move. There are some very simple, but very important steps you need to take while packing to ensure that you leave the bed bugs behind.
How to handle the items that cannot be laundered.
If the infestation is mild, you can get away by very carefully inspecting all the items. Pay special attention to items that are near the bed. You can use a product labeled for bed bugs from your local hardware store and spray all cracks and crevices and screw holes on the bed frame and headboard.
Another option for those items that were near the bed is treating them with Nuvon strips or Hot-Shot-No-Pest Strips.You will have to pack the items in a bag loosely and seal it with the strip inside. The bag will have to stay sealed for a minimum of two weeks for it to work. Longer than two weeks is ideal.Make sure you follow the label of any product you use.
If the couch has been used for sleeping or has any signs of bed bug activity, it will be very difficult to ensure that it is free of bed bugs.A licensed pest control expert should be contacted to treat it for you.
The Day You Move
When Moving Day finally does come around, there are some additional precautions that you need to take to be sure that you leave all the bed bugs behind. They include your pets as well as your family.
Other Things You Can Do
Aside from the precautions mentioned above, there are a few other things that you should do to make sure that the bed bugs you’re leaving behind do not become a problem for someone else. If allowed to spread, bed bugs can easily take over entire apartment complexes or duplexes very quickly.
6273 W Howard St
Niles, IL 60714
(312) 535-3175
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